The Qumran Sectarian manuscripts cost $80, and these also are a vital resource for biblical scholars. One cannot underestimate the value of these two lexicons, nor the time that one will save in looking up individual words in the Greek NT and the Hebrew OT. BDAG and HALOT may be purchased separately for $125 and $159 respectively, or bundled for $197.

I recommend buying three of the add-on modules that are available: BDAG, HALOT, and the Qumran Sectarian manuscripts. Other important primary texts in the base package include the works of Josephus and Philo, the Aramaic Targums on the OT, the Peshitta, the Vulgate, and the Apostlic Fathers. Nearly every English Bible version is included in the base package of BibleWorks7, as are Bible versions for more than 26 modern languages. All of these versions are fully lemmatized and parsed. Not only does it have the standard critical texts of the New and Old Testaments (Nestle-Aland 27th and Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia, respectively), but it also has several other Greek editions of the NT (including Westcott-Hort and Tischendorff) and Rahlf’s text of the Septuagint. As in previous versions, there are a wide range of valuable databases in the base package of BibleWorks7. With the release of BibleWorks 7, however, the gap is gone, and a new standard has been set for serious students of the scripture who use Bible software.īibleWorks7 has all the same great features of BibleWorks 6 but with many added improvements. The release of BibleWorks 5 and 6 began to close the gap between Mac users and PC users. Its main drawback was that it only worked on Macs, thus relegating the myriads of PC users to one or more of the inferior programs that were available for the Windows operating system.
$349.00.įor many years, the Accordance software was the gold standard for scholars and pastors working with the primary texts of biblical studies. BibleWorks 7: Software for Biblical Exegesis and Research.